








Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies.

Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies for effective extraction of variety of growth factors, cytokines, and other physiologically active substances from the human placenta. For instance, HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) promotes the proliferation of hepatic parenchymal cells for recovery of a damaged liver. Our product safety is ensured by the most rigid safety measures among existing scientific standa.rds

At the age of seven, he was treated as a very severe person with multiple obstacles. He was suddenly crying when he was six months old. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor when he was examined by a doctor. Although the brain tumor was taken out before and after surgery, he was forced to sight, intelligence, etc. The water brain must be filled into the ventricle to drain the cerebrospinal fluid to the abdominal cavity. It also has to suffer from huge torment since childhood, and it has to rely on family support in daily life. Later, it entered the daycare class and accepted it for more than 3 years. The treatment course, now not only can do many things independently, but also graduated this year, and will soon attend the special class of the national small school.

Cumulative life experience

When I first entered the daycare class, my mother would accompany me to participate in the course and observe the reactionary performance of the aunt. However, because of the weak expression of the spoken language and the fact that only the light source can be seen, I can only rely on the hearing to explore the surroundings. Things, in group life, often caused by accidental collision or lack of security, so that the cockroaches are often in a passive state, so the early therapy teacher informs the environment through early changes, using different activities and life-based exercises, so that 彤彤 Learning expression and accumulating life experience, now I also took the first graduation ceremony in my life to welcome a new learning journey.

Developmental retardation requires external stimulation

According to the statistics of the Department of Health and Welfare, the report on the early development of early childhood care services in the past 106 years, the number of notifications from 0 to 6 years old and over 6 years old was about 23,535. The first social welfare supervision director Xi Wei said that the brain of the development of retarded children Development requires more external stimulation than the average child. Although the innate disorder affects the speed of learning and development, as long as the golden age of 0 to 3 years old is grasped, the child can be improved according to the appropriate teaching method.

Prepare for the future of multiple obstacles

In order to help young children to enter the general kindergarten or the primary school, the teachers from the various professions will design a number of transfer courses and evaluate the development and needs of the children. About one month will conduct a comprehensive study meeting to set goals. The children's study, in addition, is like a half-day integration of kindergartens, visiting the National Elementary School and other courses, providing a complete individualized learning record for the future school, and preparing for the future of multiple obstacles.

Let the children fly happily

This year, the first social welfare four morning treatment centers have a total of 30 graduates, 20 in the subtotal, and 10 in kindergartens; 5 of them can attend regular classes, and the remaining 25 are in resource classes or special classes. It is hoped that through the graduation ceremony, the children will continue to be happy and fly high, and the public will continue to care about the importance of early treatment of retarded children.

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